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  • Date:2024-02-26

Organization Chart

Organizational description:

  1. One chief in charge of Personnel Office: Manage all personnel affairs of the County Government
  2. One Senior Specialist in Personnel Office: Assist all personnel affairs and take charge of documents examination and approval
  3. There are two sections in this office:
    • First Section: one section chief, three officers, one clerk and three temporary worker.
      The first section is in charge of affairs related to the subordinate units of the County Government and the schools, including recruitment, appointment and transfer, selection and evaluation, compensation to school faculty, examination and placement, duty assignment, stratify duty, management of janitors and operators, management of assistants and temporary workers, and other general affairs.
    • Second Section: one section chief, four officers, one clerk, three assistant and one temporary worker.
      The second section is in charge of the following affairs: retirement and severance, performance evaluation, reward and discipline, training and advanced study, attendance management, name list, civil servant pension fund, reserve fund for retirement, insurance, Public Functionaries Protection Act, mutual welfare benefits, culture and entertainment activity, public housing subsidy, medal, model civil servant, contract outsourcing, registration and etc.